Does a good wine glass really matter?
Does a good wine glass really matter?

They say ‘wine is bottled poetry, but if you are drinking it from the wrong kind of glass, we have something to debate on. The type of wine glasses you use CAN make a difference. Here’s what you can do to know the difference: pour the wine in two different glasses and see how you feel about each.

Take a plastic glass and an elegant wine glass. You can do the same with a beer mug and a wine glass. The experience won’t be the same.

The glass was invented 5,000 years ago in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Earlier these were used as gifts for royalty and alcoholic beverages such as wine were a part of exalted occasions. Back in history, usage of vintage goblet glasses was quite common.

A good wine glass can elevate the overall experience. But there are some more details you ought to know.

If you enjoy good wine, this may be an interesting read for you. Keep reading to find out how a good wine glass can make a difference and change your mood drastically.


Good Things Happen to Good Wine 

Do you wish to unlock the aromas of the wine? If the answer is a resounding YES, consider buying artisan wine glasses.

We find people drinking wine in plastic cups and whiskey glasses. For starters, good wine suffers in a plastic cup. Moreover, it hampers the overall experience of drinking fine wine.

Here’s how the taste gets affected by pouring wine into the wrong glass: 

If you are pouring Cabernet Sauvignon or Shiraz in a plastic cup, you won’t get to enjoy the flavours or the aroma. The reason why wine glasses have curves is that we can swirl, smell the aroma, and enjoying the taste bit by bit.

Our tongue has a little role to play here because the nose enjoys the aroma first. Join a wine tasting session and they would explain to you the art of holding a wine glass and then swirling it. Before tasting the wine, you would take in the aroma and then sip it.

So, taste and smell are a part of the experience but you need a visual experience too. Human beings are visual creatures – why do you think we buy expensive and pretty-looking lingerie? It’s appealing and we like to look at beautiful things.

We have a question for you – Would you eat a dish that looks unappetising? Your brain will tell you not to touch the food because you don’t find it appealing.

Of course, you can drink wine from any glass, but you will miss out on the wondrous experience of drinking from a tall wine glass.

Do it for the Clink 

Drinking in plastic glasses translates to disaster. When you pour wine into a tall glass, you raise a toast. The clinking sound is pleasant to hear and it feels celebratory.

It wouldn’t be a proper night or cheers without the good old clinking sound. The next time you go for a party, think of a good reason to raise a toast.

Attributes of Good Wine Glasses 

1. Size of the bowl

If the size of the bowl is large, the wine’s fragrance will be able to circulate and manifest. For drinking red wine, choose a glass with a larger bowl. Red wine needs some air to open up. However, you may choose a wine glass as per your personal preferences.

2. Length of the stem 

Winemakers have in-depth knowledge about wine glasses and different types of wine. The stem is present for a reason. You don’t have to touch the bowl of glass as it affects the temperature of the wine. You can hold the stem in various ways. Many people are confused about how to hold a wine glass, but feel free to hold the stem without touching the bowl. If you are using wine glasses for everyday purpose, shorter stems are preferred. Longer stems are delicate thus easily breakable. You can’t toss them over in a dishwasher.

3. The Stemless Variant 

The stemless wine glass is trending among casual wine drinkers. They are more practical and come in various designs. If you feel you can take better care of these, consider buying a stemless ombre wine glass. Stemless variants are easier to maintain. As we mentioned before, they are quite hands-on.


4. Coloured v/s uncoloured 

Serious wine tasters prefer uncoloured glasses but not everyone has to join their gang.

You can have some fun with coloured wine glasses. They look great as decorative pieces at home. Moreover, they look really good in the bar.

If you don’t mind experimenting, try out the blue ombre swirl glasses. These are perfect for red wine (larger bowl, more space to swirl). Playful yet elegant – blue ombre wine glass is a must-have.


5.  Textured Ombre Glasses for Your Bar Cabinet

Ombre bubble glasses are unique. Bursts of tiny bubbles gather around the bottom of the bowl. The texture makes the glass look visually appealing.


6. The Difference between Regular Glass and Artisan Glass  

There are two key differences between regular glass and artisan glasses. Yes, the latter is slightly expensive as compared to the former. Artisan glasses can enhance the taste and it looks aesthetic too. Artisan glasses are hand-blown and have a better appeal.

Hold that thought! We are not done yet.

Read the next section to get enlightened. We have something interesting for you.

Wine Glasses for the Unconventional Souls 

It’s time to invest in stylish glassware.

In today’s world, designers are creating beautiful wine glasses. The designs are intricate, thoughtful, and are tailor made for celebratory occasions. They come in different colours, textures, and elegant designs.

You will find diamond textured wine goblet glasses, ombre artisan glasses, among others.

Some wine enthusiasts don’t mind trying out different types of glasses. Are you one of them?

A good wine glass matter. If you are bored with plain-Jane glasses in your bar, get a set of textured or coloured wine glasses.

We do believe they will enhance the overall look of your home and the guests will love your unique taste.

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